Patient Participation Group - 25th July 2017
Present: 5 PPG members and Brenda Nasr (Practice Manager)
Apologies: 7 PPG Members
Guest Speaker: Maria Vacarello - Lead for Liverpool Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
Maria starts off by explaining the CAB service on Prescription, she discussed how the service was originally commissioned as a Pilot Scheme and last year they secured the funding for the next 5 years. The Group elt it was a valuable service and were asking Maria about the different aspects of the scheme.
In Addition, Maria states that CAB on prescription was only for Practice referrals in order to help the most vulnerable in the Community - that were unlikely to ask for help from the CAB of their own accord.
Members of the PPG also took away some of the leaflets that Maria brought along, promising to pass them on to various Community Centres.
Unfortunately, Liverpool City Councillor, Natalie Nicholls was unable to attend today but asked Brenda Nasr to explain to the group if they have any concerns about things in the Community, to pass their contact details on to Brenda and she will contact them at a later date to discuss. However, Natalie is currently looking at having surgery in the Practice once a month, this is only in the negotiating stage at the moment but more information will follow within the year.
Brenda, went on to explain the various training items that the Practice was undergoing e.g. Signposting training for the Administration Team and what it would entail. Furthermore, she explained that the Practice passed an Infection Control inspection 100%.
The Practice are having Three Foundation 2 Doctors starting in August and we are continuing to have our Medical Students for placements.
Feedback received from the PPG group is that they enjoy our meetings, they are informative and it gives us a chance to keep our Patients up-to-date.