Patient Information & Resources
New Patient Registration
All New Patients Welcome
If you wish to register with the Practice you can call into Our Practice where you will be given a form a GMS1 (registration form) to complete.
Telephone 0151 733 7172 to book an appointment.
Register Online
Please note it is Practice policy that any new patient who wish to register needs to bring in two forms of ID, 1) photographic (eg. Passport, Driving License) and 2) Proof of Address (Any document with your name and address eg. Utilities Bill, Bank statement etc.)
Once the above form have been completed the Reception staff will enter your details onto our medical database and make an appointment for a New Patient Health check with the Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant. You will need to attend this first appointment.
All new patients will be given a copy of our Practice Leaflet and will be offered the opportunity to be issued with a PIN number that will allow you to register with the Practice online services website. This will enable you to make and cancel appointments, update your address and telephone number if you move house and order repeat prescriptions on-line.
We endeavour to process registrations immediately to enable a smooth transition from one practice to another and to allow patients to access our services.